Documentation for crwlr / url (v1.1)

Attention: You're currently viewing the documentation for v1.1 of the url package.
This is not the latest version of the package.
If you didn't navigate to this version intentionally, you can click here to switch to the latest version.

PSR-7 UriInterface Adapter Class

The Url class does not support immutability as it is required by the PSR-7 UriInterface. But the package provides an adapter class Crwlr\Url\Psr\Uri which has an instance of the Url class in a private property and thus assures immutability.

Usage Example

$url = '';
$uri = Url::parsePsr7($url); // Or instead: new Crwlr\Url\Psr\Uri($url);

var_dump($uri->getScheme());        // => 'https'
var_dump($uri->getAuthority());     // => ''
var_dump($uri->getUserInfo());      // => 'user:password'
var_dump($uri->getHost());          // => ''
var_dump($uri->getPort());          // => 1234
var_dump($uri->getPath());          // => '/foo/bar'
var_dump($uri->getQuery());         // => 'some=query'
var_dump($uri->getFragment());      // => 'fragment'

// Keep in mind an instance of Uri is immutable and all the methods that change
// state (method names starting with "with") return a new instance:
$newUri = $uri->withScheme('http');
var_dump($uri->getScheme());        // => 'https'
var_dump($newUri->getScheme());     // => 'http'

$uri = $newUri->withUserInfo('u', 'p');
var_dump($uri->getUserInfo());      // => 'u:p'
$uri = $uri->withHost('');
var_dump($uri->getHost());          // => ''
$uri = $uri->withPort(666);
var_dump($uri->getPort());          // => 666
$uri = $uri->withPath('/path');
var_dump($uri->getPath());          // => '/path'
$uri = $uri->withQuery('foo=bar');
var_dump($uri->getQuery());         // => 'foo=bar
$uri = $uri->withFragment('baz');
var_dump($uri->getFragment());      // => 'baz'
// => ''